
Searching for Something

 Hello Fit Fam, It has been a minute. More like months. I started this blog over and over again because I wanted to educate, talk, and spread advice. I have quickly learned that I know nothing. My knowledge is kind of all over the place and consistency is not my thing when it comes to this blog.  I want to create consistency in my life, especially with where my family is right now. I am in a season of change, and I want to get back to the basics. So, for today's long overdue blog post, I am going to talk about starting with the basics. If you are struggling with where to begin, what to do, and how to get there, let's focus on these three things.  1) Routine - Create a routine for success. This never comes easy and takes work, constantly! You have to give yourself a schedule; the hardest part is sticking to it. This can apply to your professional life, personal life, fitness life, nutritional life, family life, you name it! I like to sit down Sunday before I start the week and w

2024 Words

 Confidence and Persistence Do you ever find yourself doubting your abilities and thinking you are not good enough, well I most certainly do. I know that we all struggle with some internal self-confidence issues. Whether you can admit it or not, self-doubt is just human nature. I personally know that I am capable of many things but often doubt myself to the point of not believing I can do them.  I have talked myself out of things that I know I am capable of but instead let that little voice in the back of my head so "No, you can't." I don't want to doubt myself but sometimes that voice is strong and loud and it is hard not to listen.  So this year I am focusing on two words to guide me: Confidence and Persistence. I did this last year and gave myself two words to focus on (Embrace and Patience) which related to where I was in my life and how I wanted to live my life. I felt like picking two words allowed me to have a meaning behind everything I was doing. Which is why

Hydration is Key

 Hello Fit Fam,       When you think about hydration what comes to mind? Do you even know what good hydration looks and feels like? Do you understand the importance of hydration in your day-to-day activities?     These are some basic questions I like to ask my personal training clients when they are setting their fitness goals. Doesn't matter if you are looking to become more active or training for a high-intensity competitive event. Average Joes to Elite Athletes have to think about hydration every single day. Even on your rest days, you need to be thinking about HYDRATION!     So let's start with the basics, what is hydration? Hydration is the replacement of body fluids lost through sweating, exhaling, and eliminating waste. But there is more to hydration than just the water you consume through fluids and foods.  There are these lovely things called electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals that dissolve in fluid and are required for things like proper nerve function, acid-base

A Year Ago...

 Hello Fit Fam,      Let's talk about reflecting. I was just reminded that one year ago I completed one of the greatest feats of my physical fitness career. I raced in my very first half ironman or 70.3-mile triathlon. This event is comprised of a 1.2-mile swim, a 56-mile bike ride, and a 13.1-mile run. I had signed up for this race multiple times (3 to be exact) and for a bunch of life reasons had to cancel it twice. But lucky number 3 stuck and I did the dang thing! I was committed, and motivated, and needed to do this for myself.      What shocks me the most about the training process for this race, was every person I ever talked to who does these endurance-type races (running, cycling triathlons, etc) they all do it socially and with a training team. I on the other hand have always been a solo type of training gal. I enjoy being by myself, on my own. I don't like to rely on others for pacing or meets up. Don't get me wrong I love working out with others and I am a peopl

Refocus on 2023 Goals

 Hello Fit Fam, This week I have been reflecting on my 2023 goal words, which in case you didn't know we are at the end of September and the year is quickly coming to an end with only 3 months left! AHHHH! I realized that my two words for 2023 hold even more significance now than when I started this year. In January I picked two words: Embrace and Patience, to define my year and they feel so meaningful now that I feel like I failed a little bit. I believe I have made progress but I know I can be doing so much more.  I am still a great mom and wife. I love my new job and feel like I am really getting into my groove. I am starting to get some consistency in my workouts and fitness progress. I even feel like my personal training business has started to pick up a little more. I know I am on the right path I just have to be MORE patient with myself and the process. I also have to embrace where I currently am in life. I know not everything will happen overnight but I will stay the course

Work, Motherhood, & Life

 Hello Fit Fam,       Well, it has been a minute! And I mean a hot minute. I started trying to build up online content last year while I was a stay-at-home mom and thought that I was going to be able to build up my blog, my online training clientele, and my overall online presence. Boy was I wrong! I found a full-time job, stopped pursuing my personal training dream, and let "excuses" of my new job and day-to-day life distract me! Well, I am turning a new leaf and getting back to why I started this blog. Honestly, I started it mostly for me. For me to be able to write out my thoughts as a fitness professional who is living this thing we call life. Trying to set healthy goals and behaviors for myself, my friends, my family, my clients, and especially my daughter. The world is often filled with junk or people who are out there trying to sell you crap. Although I now work in a sales role I don't want to just sell something to a client or customer, I want to give you somethin

New Year, New Habits, New You

 Hello Fit Fam,      Welcome to 2023! Maybe this year is a fresh start for you or you are continuing on your path to greatness. You might need to find out where you currently are or you need a complete reset! Regardless of where you are on the scale from "I've got my shit together" to "I need help getting my shit together", I have some tips for getting yourself going or staying on track.       Number one and most importantly, make a plan! That is always step one. Yes sometimes winging it is okay but you always need a plan to start. I have found that without a plan I tend to get stuck or afraid to start. I look at my end goal thinking how will I ever achieve this impossible goal! If you are starting at 0 and looking at 100, it may seem impossible but a plan that gives you every single number laid out from 0 to 100 so it does not feel as daunting.     Number two, be adaptable. You can create the greatest plan you have ever seen but sometimes you have to adapt due