Make a Routine

Hello Fit Fam,

Today I am talking to you about routines. I speak from experience when I say routines make or break your day! I am a recently new stay at home mom who is trying to start up her online personal training business. I have a 9 month old baby girl, who is amazing but also a handful! My days are never the same but I am committed to setting and making a routine that inevitably will have to be modified and adapted as I go! I read a quote the other day that said: 

"Things change. The only thing constant is change. It's up to you to be adaptable."

I am embracing this quote hard core right not. I feel as though my whole life has changed in many ways I never saw coming. Within the last year I went from a 9am-6pm Monday-Friday job to quitting and being a stay at home mom, thank you to the Great Resignation! I also went from not having a baby to having a baby, thank you Logan! And lastly my husband and I went from being homeowners to selling our house and living with my parents! I have loved all these changes but it has made making my routine difficult. I was finding it hard to create routine and figure out what my goals were but I was able to stop and get my self back on track. It ironically lined up directly with the new year! I started out strong on January 1st 2022. I am back into my workout routine. I am slowly but surely figuring out my daughters sleeping/eating/playtime routine. And I am tracking my nutrition and working on making healthy food choices! The next big goals I want to set for myself are family quality time for myself and my husband and building up my personal training business. I don't have all the answers and I have no idea what the future holds but here are some tricks I have learned to make setting a routine more manageable!

Step 1: Set your goals! You don't need a lot, maybe just one or two to start. There is always room for improvement but its better to start small so you don't overwhelm yourself. If you don't know where to start then consult your doctor, or talk to your family and friends. Sometimes you don't even realize what your goal is until someone points it out! It could be right under your nose but you didn't even see it!

Step 2:  Make a plan! This is where most people give up. You figure out the goal you want to work towards and tell yourself all the great things that are going to happen and then you realize how hard it is going to be to reach that goal. It can be overwhelming and scary. Change makes us feel uncomfortable. It challenges us. You have probably heard the phrase "if it was easy, everyone would be doing it". Yes, making a plan can be difficult but the hard part come next!

Step 3: Stick to your plan! I wont say that routines are easy but they can be like riding a bike. If you keep practicing them eventually they will become habit. Routines are just habits in the making. An easy way to stick to your plan is track it and find ways to reward yourself. Sometimes motivation can be all internal and other times you need something external to push you to stick with it. Finding what brings you joy will allow you to reach success in your goals. 

Who knows maybe some day they will create that magic pill that will help you lose weight, be a genius, get super strong and you will win the lottery! But until then set yourself some attainable realistic goals and start grinding. Today is the day that you can make a change and start the (sometimes hard) work towards a healthier, better you!

I believe in you! Go be awesome!

~Stay Calm and Exercise On~

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