Stay At Home Mom Thoughts

 Hello Fit Fam,

Today I am writing about my stay at home parent journey. I have been a stay at home parent since November of 2021. I honestly never thought this would be my path in life. I always knew I wanted to get married and have kids some day but I assumed I would be a working parent, like both of my parents were. That is not to say I do not put value in a stay at home parent, I just never thought it would be me. I have come to appreciate the hard work and tireless effort it takes to be a stay at home parent. Here are some insights I have gained since becoming one!

1. You can no longer be selfish! Let's be honest, we are all a little selfish when it comes to our time, money and sleep, oh and food (but thats a later point)! I did not realize how selfish I was as a person until I had a child. They take 99% of your time, probably around 50-80% of your money, and just about all of your sleep. I would not trade any of my time, money or sleep for the amazing experience it has been to become a parent but I do warm any future parents that you will have to significantly shift all three of these aspects of your life. Prepare to become selfless. It's worth it but not always an easy pill to swallow. 

2. Schedules are forever changing. Most pediatricians and any current parents will tell you that schedules are the basis for structure for you children, but in my experience they often get thrown out the window by about 9am, maybe even earlier. This is not to say don't make a schedule because you should, just know you will inevitably have to modify it. In my experience, similar to personal training you will need to modify your planned day or routine due to your child growing, teething, getting sick, losing their favorite toy, deciding they do not want to eat, or 100 other reasons I cannot think of right now. I think structure and a planned schedule is amazing, but I have found being flexible and going with the flow will help you not to lose your mind when your child is having a meltdown. 

3. You workout when you can workout! As a fitness professional this one challenged me a lot. I LOVE to workout and I have big goals for myself, including racing a half ironman. It is a goal of mine that I have had for over 3 years and something I did not want give up. However, being the primary caregiver while my spouse works has proven to be a little bit of a challenge. I have had to get creative and make many changes to my weekly and daily workout plans. My first priority is to my child but I still need to be healthy and happy. Parents shouldn't give up all aspects of themselves just because they become parents. I have been able to rely on amazing family and friends to help me get my daily workouts in. I also have resorted to the midnight workout from time to time or I try to find an activity that gets me steps but also includes my child!

4. Ask for help! I will never be too good to ask for help when I need it. I am extremely fortunate that I have an amazing support network around me. From my in laws to my family, I have not been short of amazing people who truly want to help support me and my daughter. I have been able to go for long runs, bike rides and swims due to their support. I even have been able to teach a group fitness class once a week. I need this exercise time as it my profession but also my passion. Not to mention it is my me time so that I do not go stir crazy being at home all day long with a one year old!

5. Plan to make extra food because you are always sharing. Although this one may not seem as important, to me it is! I LOVE food, almost as much as I love exercising. I probably love food as much as I do because I love to exercise. I have found now that my daughter is eating almost everything she wants what mom has. I can even pick up food from the same plate for her and for me and she still wants what I eat. I am sure its just part of her development but I have to eat to fuel my workouts! In summary make more food for you and for your child!

These five things are not all that I have learned but were the hardest lessons by far. A child is a blessing and a miracle and a handful all at the same time. We love our children but we also struggle, get upset and constantly ask ourselves are we doing this right. I am by no means an expert but I am making the best possible life for my daughter. My husband and I are blessed to have such an amazing child and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for her. She may cure cancer, go to the moon, or even become president one day. But most of all I hope she grows up to lead a happy, healthy and fulfilled life. That is all a parent can really ask for!

I swear I am more excited than she is most of the time!

~ Be Calm and Parent On ~


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