Starting Again

 Hello Fit Fam,

    I am writing this lovely blog the night before one of my interviews. I am currently searching for a full job after a year of being a stay at home parent. I think becoming a stay at home parent has been one of the hardest jobs I have ever had. I was faced with a lot of unknowns, as there are in many jobs, but this felt especially challenging. I think in past roles I was always able to clock out at the end of the day and leave work at work but being a stay at home parent means always being on the clock. I don't regret this past year nor would I change anything. I think in my reflection of the year I am just understanding how much I have grown. Although on paper (aka my resume) I do not have work experience for the last year. I am realizing I have ALL the experience in the last year! Raising a human is the most underpaid, and undervalued job there is on this planet! So as I look to the future of what my career holds I am excited, nervous and a little sad all at the same time. 

     For me, I genuinely want to get back to full time work. I am so passionate about fitness and want to be able to connect with people to help them reach their fitness goals. As much as I loved being home with my daughter I am excited about the possibilities for my career. I have many avenues I am exploring not sure which direction I will end up going but I am eager to find the right fit and move forward full steam ahead!

    I have had some learning to do in the last couple months now that I am full fledge job searching. I had not updated my resume in quite some time so that was step number one! I also had not thought about professional attire. First, my clothes were mostly workout attire or very casual since I was not going anywhere nice and I mostly worked out anyway. Second, only being a year and a half postpartum I still hadn't landed on the physical body I wanted so I had not thought to buy nice clothes since they tend to fit a little snugger with no wiggle room. I finally bought a new suit the other week. Professional clothes are also just super expensive so I wasn't super pumped to go out and find a new suit. Third, I cannot tell you the last time I interviewed for a job. It was definitely something I needed to mentally prepare for. You know the common tell us about yourself, strengths and weaknesses, what type a leader are you questions.

    I also think I am at a turning point in my career path. I had been in one field for about 8 years. I started in campus recreation when I was in my undergraduate degree. I continued this path through graduate school and in to my first two full time positions. I took time away from full time work to stay at home with my daughter and now I am considering roles still within fitness but in very different settings from those I have previously had. What I like about my career change is my skills in previous roles will transfer to many different settings. I will be able to explore my passion for fitness in a new way but still connect with people and allow them to lead healthier and happier lives. 

    So as I prepare to make big changes to my professional future, I remind myself and hopefully anyone that finds themselves reading this blog, be patient. Good things take time and I am excited at where I am going in the coming months. I am going to invest in myself because I believe in what I can accomplish. If you are a little lost right now, know that you are amazing and you can do this! I believe in you even if you don't. 

   I will be posting updates about my progress to make NewLizFitness a success! I want to change the world one client at a time. So watch out world I am coming in hot, ready to help people build healthier and happier lives one workout at a time!

Stay Calm and Exercise On

~ Liz ~


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