Fall Into Health

 Hello Fit Fam,

Welcome to Fall!!! As we approach the end of September we are quickly approaching the last 3 months of 2024! How are you doing? How are you progressing towards the goals you set for 2024? Have you reached them? Will you reach them? If you are off track, how will you get back on track?

Trust me when I say I have asked all these questions to myself as my 2024 did not go as I thought either! I left a job and started a new job only to leave that job 7 months later and I will be starting another new job in October! My fitness has gone up and down throughout the year with all the life events that have been happening. I have sat down to make a plan for what feels like every month and seemed to be derailed almost every month. 

I am currently setting a new goal for October as it is officially the last 3 months of 2024. I want to create consistency and routine for myself and my fitness goals. So if you are looking for a good way to end the year join me for a quick month challenge to set yourself up for success going into the end of the year. By creating this routine and consistency I hope to establish it for October and then continue into November and December so that by the time I get to 2025 I will have created my routine and it will be easy to stay on track for my health and wellbeing goals. 

So my goals for my October Challenge are as follows!

1) Fitness - Create a workout routine to follow. 5 days a week of working out (3 strength days and 2 cardio days). Walk 5 days a week with the goal of 10,000 steps a day. 

2) Nutrition - Plan out meals for the week. Meal prep on Sunday and only allow 2 cheat days (aka eat-out days).

3) Hydration - Drink 80oz of water per day by using a water bottle to track my hydration. Increase consumption if needed due to physical activity.

4) Social - Connect with an accountability buddy and plan joint workouts. The goal is to communicate with my social network to keep me motivated working towards my goals as well as helping others work towards theirs!

5) Mental - Dedicate 5 minutes per day (at least 5 days per week) towards mindfulness practices. Breathwork, meditating, being present, etc. 

These are my goals and I hope to be able to stick to them as best I can. I know life will get in my way but I will try to be better than my excuses. If you want to follow along with me I will be posting some content to my Instagram for you to follow along with what I am doing so that you can also try to implement some of these practices in your daily life as well!

Best of luck as we step into Fall and the final quarter of 2024. May you find your health and well-being routine as I find mine! And as always...

Keep Calm and Exercise On,

~ Liz ~


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