
 Are you unsure of what to do, what comes next, or why you are even doing what you are doing?

I find myself asking these questions all the time. You start down a path driving towards something. Then out of nowhere, you hit a speed bump, an accident, something is in the road, or worst case your car gets totaled and you have to start over on a new road, with a new car and you have no idea where you are going. Sorry for the long-winded analogy, but I am trying to give an example of how easy it is for us to get derailed from life and the goals we set for ourselves. It happens to us all and there is no avoiding it. Life just happens. 

I have gone through a pretty big life change recently looking for a new career and finding my "Why" all over again. I am moving into a different field than what I studied or even planned to do with my career but I am finding excitement and joy in this new phase. So today I want to talk about why. Why do we choose a path, why do we make decisions, why are we even here? I cannot answer this for you but I can tell you how I went about figuring out my next why. It isn't easy and sometimes can be super unfun but it's a journey and I am here for it!

I have spent my entire professional career in fitness. Before that, I spent my undergraduate and graduate years in fitness. And before that, I spent a lot of time in fitness. I think I would describe myself as a fitness professional. It is what I studied, it was my career and it was my passion. It still will be my passion and what I do for fun but it won't define me. I have chosen to move in a new direction to a new path where I can still interact with fitness in my own way but not every single day. 

This was a really hard decision for me and required turning down numerous roles that I was qualified and excited for. They just did not align with what I needed out of my job or for my family. After realizing this I was able to accept a new position (starting in a few months) that will allow me to continue to grow as a professional who is passionate about helping others and making an impact in my new field. 

So how did I come to this decision? Well, I had to sit down with family and friends and talk through what I am good at and, what I want to get out of a job. What is crazy, is I kept thinking I was only good at fitness. Turns out I can do other things. I can work in other fields because the skills I have developed are transferable! One of the greatest things I have learned since college is so much of what we do in the workplace setting is transferable outside the specific field we work in. I will say that again, in other words, your skillset can apply to other jobs outside of your current field. 

I know that might sound crazy but hear me out. Why can't the skills you learned as a babysitter in high school apply to the business job you get right out of college? You certainly understand schedules, negotiating, and structured planning. Yes, the two roles look completely different but take away the labels and look at the core of what you are doing they might seem pretty close. I had to find my right fit based on my Why. 

My Why has always been about helping others find their fit. It was pretty straightforward when I was doing fitness but in my next role, I will be helping others find their fit in a new way. I will still be working with individuals, making impactful connections, and creating strong relationships. These are my Why's in my professional career and I am so excited to see how this experience and job shape my future.

If you need help finding your why, I encourage you to journal. Write it down. Take a personality assessment to learn more about yourself. Talk to your friends, family, and loved ones. Sometimes they are the best resources to build you up and help you understand your Why when you get lost! But most importantly, if you feel lost, take a deep breath, refocus on your why, and keep moving forward. You are strong enough, beautiful enough, smart enough, and important!

Keep Calm and Exercise On,

~ Liz ~


  1. Hi Liz! Really enjoyed your BLOG post. Finding your "Why" is so important yet so many people don't know how to find it. There is also a "Why" beneath the "Why" that can reveal a whole lot about what someone's purpose might be. Thank you for sharing this. You are amazing!


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