Returning to Work

 Hello Fit Fam,

I am sitting in bed getting ready for my first day of work at my new job, which starts tomorrow. It is a weird feeling different from any other I have experienced. I have had other jobs and other first days of work. I have been nervous and excited. I have had to learn new things in my positions with skills I have not had before. 

For some reason, this time feels different. I am about to make a pretty big change from working in the fitness industry for my entire professional and educational career to a new field of marketing and business development. 

I know the just of what I am stepping into but I know there will be much to learn. I am nervous but so excited to explore all this new position will teach me. I am ready to learn, grow and expand my professional knowledge. 

I will never truly let go of fitness. I am excited to take the time to focus on fitness in a personal capacity instead of a professional capacity. I can prioritize my workouts, healthy eating, and mental health just for me. I will still share my content online for fun and for free!

Fitness is something that everyone has to figure out for themselves. It needs to fit into your lifestyle and make sense for you. Finding what works isn't easy, most of the time it is trial and error. I am hoping to set a good example by sharing my fitness journey as I return to work. Work, family, friends, and other priorities can often get in the way of prioritizing yourself. 

So I challenge you this week to find time for yourself and set aside time to workout, focus on your mental health, or simply go for a walk to clear your mind and reset for what is ahead of you!

Cheers to a great week ahead and I look forward to reporting back as I find success in my life!

Keep Calm and Exercise On,

~ Liz ~


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