
Returning to Work

 Hello Fit Fam, I am sitting in bed getting ready for my first day of work at my new job, which starts tomorrow. It is a weird feeling different from any other I have experienced. I have had other jobs and other first days of work. I have been nervous and excited. I have had to learn new things in my positions with skills I have not had before.  For some reason, this time feels different. I am about to make a pretty big change from working in the fitness industry for my entire professional and educational career to a new field of marketing and business development.  I know the just of what I am stepping into but I know there will be much to learn. I am nervous but so excited to explore all this new position will teach me. I am ready to learn, grow and expand my professional knowledge.  I will never truly let go of fitness. I am excited to take the time to focus on fitness in a personal capacity instead of a professional capacity. I can prioritize my workouts, healthy eating, and mental

Day 1 - October Challenge

 Day 1 of my October Challenge! I have completed day 1 of 31 days on building a better me! I had some great success and then some iffy success. I worked out, I got my hydration in, I did my mindfulness practice, I connected with my accountability buddy, but my nutrition wasn't quite on point.  I skipped breakfast—oops. I ate a decent lunch, yay! I ate a kids' dinner—sorry, I have a 3-year-old, so making food for us sometimes means eating chicken nuggets and fries, haha! I know nutrition is my weakest area regarding well-rounded health and well-being. I love to exercise. I LOVE water and always hydrate. I am a social butterfly. And honestly, mindfulness work has become something I love! Nutrition is just my sworn enemy! But that is the point of this lovely challenge to...challenge myself! I want to be transparent through this process as I think people often feel like others have it all the way together when it comes to their health. No one is perfect and even the best athletes i

Fall Into Health

 Hello Fit Fam, Welcome to Fall!!! As we approach the end of September we are quickly approaching the last 3 months of 2024! How are you doing? How are you progressing towards the goals you set for 2024? Have you reached them? Will you reach them? If you are off track, how will you get back on track? Trust me when I say I have asked all these questions to myself as my 2024 did not go as I thought either! I left a job and started a new job only to leave that job 7 months later and I will be starting another new job in October! My fitness has gone up and down throughout the year with all the life events that have been happening. I have sat down to make a plan for what feels like every month and seemed to be derailed almost every month.  I am currently setting a new goal for October as it is officially the last 3 months of 2024. I want to create consistency and routine for myself and my fitness goals. So if you are looking for a good way to end the year join me for a quick month challenge


 Are you unsure of what to do, what comes next, or why you are even doing what you are doing? I find myself asking these questions all the time. You start down a path driving towards something. Then out of nowhere, you hit a speed bump, an accident, something is in the road, or worst case your car gets totaled and you have to start over on a new road, with a new car and you have no idea where you are going. Sorry for the long-winded analogy, but I am trying to give an example of how easy it is for us to get derailed from life and the goals we set for ourselves. It happens to us all and there is no avoiding it. Life just happens.  I have gone through a pretty big life change recently looking for a new career and finding my "Why" all over again. I am moving into a different field than what I studied or even planned to do with my career but I am finding excitement and joy in this new phase. So today I want to talk about why. Why do we choose a path, why do we make decisions, why

Searching for Something

 Hello Fit Fam, It has been a minute. More like months. I started this blog over and over again because I wanted to educate, talk, and spread advice. I have quickly learned that I know nothing. My knowledge is kind of all over the place and consistency is not my thing when it comes to this blog.  I want to create consistency in my life, especially with where my family is right now. I am in a season of change, and I want to get back to the basics. So, for today's long overdue blog post, I am going to talk about starting with the basics. If you are struggling with where to begin, what to do, and how to get there, let's focus on these three things.  1) Routine - Create a routine for success. This never comes easy and takes work, constantly! You have to give yourself a schedule; the hardest part is sticking to it. This can apply to your professional life, personal life, fitness life, nutritional life, family life, you name it! I like to sit down Sunday before I start the week and w

2024 Words

 Confidence and Persistence Do you ever find yourself doubting your abilities and thinking you are not good enough, well I most certainly do. I know that we all struggle with some internal self-confidence issues. Whether you can admit it or not, self-doubt is just human nature. I personally know that I am capable of many things but often doubt myself to the point of not believing I can do them.  I have talked myself out of things that I know I am capable of but instead let that little voice in the back of my head so "No, you can't." I don't want to doubt myself but sometimes that voice is strong and loud and it is hard not to listen.  So this year I am focusing on two words to guide me: Confidence and Persistence. I did this last year and gave myself two words to focus on (Embrace and Patience) which related to where I was in my life and how I wanted to live my life. I felt like picking two words allowed me to have a meaning behind everything I was doing. Which is why

Hydration is Key

 Hello Fit Fam,       When you think about hydration what comes to mind? Do you even know what good hydration looks and feels like? Do you understand the importance of hydration in your day-to-day activities?     These are some basic questions I like to ask my personal training clients when they are setting their fitness goals. Doesn't matter if you are looking to become more active or training for a high-intensity competitive event. Average Joes to Elite Athletes have to think about hydration every single day. Even on your rest days, you need to be thinking about HYDRATION!     So let's start with the basics, what is hydration? Hydration is the replacement of body fluids lost through sweating, exhaling, and eliminating waste. But there is more to hydration than just the water you consume through fluids and foods.  There are these lovely things called electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals that dissolve in fluid and are required for things like proper nerve function, acid-base